The Digital Book
This web content presents a modified version of my print book, A State of Change: Forgotten Landscapes of California (Heyday: 2010, out of print and erased from their website). Here I update some of the material, especially scientific names to reflect current taxonomic understandings. Also, this website presents much of the material in my original manuscript that was edited out of the book due to print limitations--including my draft chapters on the California desert and Sierra Nevada, which were not included in the book. As much as I love books, the beauty of digital media is space is not a limitation.
I want to thank the founder and original publisher at Heyday, Malcolm Margolin, for taking an idea and a paper manuscript plopped on a table at a cafe in Berkeley, many years ago, and agreeing to turn it into a polished book. This was my life's work, and it was published with great care and imagination. This website is dedicated to you, Malcolm.
Chapters of the Book
1. Introduction
2. Golden Bear
3. Mysteries of Time and Climate
5. Tulare
6. Riverworld
8. Roble: Oaks
9. Fire
10. Where Deer and Antelope Played
13. Giants in the Sky: Condors
15. Redwoods of the Coast
16. Desert
17. Sierra
18. Owens Valley
20. Restoration
21. Conclusion
22. Bibliography
Oil Painting Guide to Landscapes and Nature
Stay Tuned!
To my father Jay
and my mother Marcia